Return & Refund Policy

How can I cancel my order?

You can cancel the order only after you have received the ‘order confirmation’ email. The cancellation option is available on our website. You can also initiate cancellation by giving us a phone call.

What if I received the wrong order?

It is our top priority to double check your order requirements with you before we ship your desired product. In a rare occurrence, if you receive the wrong item (e.g. color or size being different to what you had ordered), please contact us immediately with complete details of the order requested by you and the item you have received.

What if the items I ordered arrived defective?

Please contact our technical support immediately if you get a defective or damaged item on arrival. This issue can arise under extremely rare circumstances and we take charge of the situation without any delay. Connect with our technical support with an evidence of the issue you are facing and the order number. On certain occasions, we may ask you to send clear pictures of the damaged product along with the original packaging and complete accessories. Once the conveyed defect or damage is verified, we will charge claims to the respective manufacturer of the product. Please note that it is the customer’s responsibility to bear shipping charges in the entire return process.

How can I apply for a refund?

Follow the simple steps below to request a refund

  • Contact us via phone, email or whatsapp
  • Specify why you wish to apply for a refund
  • Provide us your order number & bank account details
  • Allow us some time to process your refund request
  • Check your email containing a refund receipt sent by ZZmarts confirming that the amount you had initially paid has been refunded

In what circumstances can I avail the return policy?

  • If the shipping of the product is experiencing an unusually long delay (beyond 12 business days)
  • If the item you purchased from us turns out to be defective
  • If you have received the item you ordered but you have not opened/unboxed it and no longer need it

(Please note that it will be solely your responsibility to bear all shipping charges to return the product from your address to our office.)

Under what circumstances does a “Restocking fee” apply?

All returns are subject to a 15-25% restocking fee, depending on the item being returned. All items must be returned in original packing. An item that you have opened and is without any defects does not qualify for a return.

How much time do I have to return the product after the purchase?

In case you wish to return an order, you have 7 business days within which you can contact our Technical Support Department and return the product.

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